Grand Theft Auto 5 Has Sold 200 Million Units, Red Dead Redemption 2 at Nearly 64 Million

Grand Theft Auto 5_GTA5

While Grand Theft Auto 6 is launching in Fall 2026, Rockstar Games’ Grand Theft Auto 5 is still selling quite well despite its age. Take-Two Interactive’s fourth quarter fiscal year 2024 earnings report revealed that the latter had sold approximately 200 million units in its lifetime, up from 195 million.

The lifetime sales milestone is all the more impressive, considering Grand Theft Auto 5 first launched in September 2013 for Xbox 360 and PS3. It’s since been a staple of every console generation since then. Total sales for the franchise are over 425 million, and GTA 5 contributing nearly half of that is truly impressive.

Red Dead Redemption 2, Rockstar’s last major open-world title, has sold nearly 64 million units, up from 61 million. Total series sales have crossed 89 million, though Take-Two didn’t mention how well last year’s re-release of Red Dead Redemption performed on Nintendo Switch and PS4.

As for Grand Theft Auto 6, it’s launching on Xbox Series X/S and PS5 (not PC) next year. Stay tuned for more updates in the meantime.

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