Overwatch 2 Will Add a New PvP Mode, Two Heroes, and a Map in 2024

Overwatch 2 - Season 4

Next month will see the launch of Season 8 for Overwatch 2, which will add a new hero to the multiplayer shooter, but what else does Blizzard Entertainment have planned for the game beyond that? Recently, at BlizzCon 2023, the developer revealed some of those plans.

Where new content is concerned, for starters, Blizzard plans to add a couple of new heroes to Overwatch 2’s roster next year, with Damage hero Venture arriving in Season 10, and Support hero Space Ranger arriving in Season 12.

Meanwhile, a new PvP game mode called Clash has also been announced. Clash will see five points spread out across maps in a row, with each match beginning with control of the center point as the first objective. If you win the objective, the other team gets pushed back by one point, while if you lose, the opposite happens. Win all five points, or end the match with more points, and you win the match.

Clash will also come with a new map. Called Hanaoka, Blizzard has confirmed it to be a reworked version of classic Overwatch map Hanamura.

Beyond that, the company has also confirmed that in early 2024, it will be implementing a major rework for Overwatch 2’s competitive systems, which will also entail new competitive rewards. Additionally, Blizzard is also promising stronger theming for future seasons. Next year’s four seasons will be focused on eldritch horror, Egyptian mythology, witches, and a “mirror universe” where the villains and heroes have swapped roles with each other.

Overwatch 2 is available on PS5, Xbox Series X/S, PS4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, and PC.

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