The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim Has Sold Over 60 Million Copies


Bethesda Game Studios has never been a stranger to massive critical and commercial success for its games, but even so, there’s no question that The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim remains it’s biggest game on that front. The seminal 2011 open world RPG has gone down in the medium’s history as one of the best games ever, and has also seen commercial success on a similar scale.

In fact, over a decade on from its launch, it continues to move vast units. In a recent interview with IGN (which you can view below), Bethesda Game Studios boss Todd Howard – who, of course, directed Skyrim – revealed that the fantasy RPG has now sold over 60 million units worldwide to date across all platforms (which is essentially every platform under the sun, and then some).

Bethesda last provided sales figures for Skyrim back in late 2016, at which point the game had sold over 30 million units worldwide, which means it’s doubled in sales in less than eight years.

Of course, Bethesda’s full focus now is on Starfield, with the massive sci-fi space-faring RPG set to launch for Xbox Series X/S and PC on September 6. Whether or not it’ll be able to achieve the kind of success Skyrim did remains to be seen.

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